Tis few daes wif my dear so happy... but jus becos of my JIE.. we didnt contact her le.. cos she darm fk up sia.. hais.. when ever i at hme i think n miss my baobei so much.. thn we go slack lo.. nw at hme... borde 2 e max lo.. sian..
thn msg baobei lo.. thn tmrl go out..
love u
♥ My Baby So Much.. Ai Ni 1314.. ♥
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Tis few daes my baby come n find me.. wif her frend.. n we go out lo..
thn was happy to see her aso la.. hav a go chat wif her aso.. n she knw my frends aso.. so no wry e.. but once she is home i start to miss her n think of her le.. thn we talk on phone chat lo.. after tat hang up... thn few min later call again.. lols.. miss u baobei..
love u
thn was happy to see her aso la.. hav a go chat wif her aso.. n she knw my frends aso.. so no wry e.. but once she is home i start to miss her n think of her le.. thn we talk on phone chat lo.. after tat hang up... thn few min later call again.. lols.. miss u baobei..
love u
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Hi guys.. Im sky gf.. so here i am to help tat lazy pig update his blog.
his blog was darm dead.. I really miss my dear so much.. wonder wat he is doin..
no matter wats happen i always love u e.. but i dk even knw hw long i cn last n live..Im really love her so much... As im here to post n he is slpin.. dear love u so much..
baby love u.
his blog was darm dead.. I really miss my dear so much.. wonder wat he is doin..
no matter wats happen i always love u e.. but i dk even knw hw long i cn last n live..Im really love her so much... As im here to post n he is slpin.. dear love u so much..
baby love u.
love... it is a thing but not a thing. when you care too much to it, in the end you will get hurt. but if you dun care, the others will get hurt. love sometimes is so confusing!! you may love a person once but not forever.....
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
sweet life
life might be sucks at sonmetimes. but u can change ur life in a good way... frens around me always makes me feel happy. although tat day can be a bad mood day... but after talk to them for awhile. i fel a lot better... happy tgt w my cg members.. thnks for always be w me when i m down
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
sTuPidD cAMp
hAte bTh.... Fk btH...fKinG heLl maKe mE suFFeR fOr thEsE fEW dAYS .....
sICk lIke hElL....gEt sO maNy moSqUitO bItEs....aFTer tHe cAmp....yEsterDay tIll tOdaY mOrnINg i hAd beEn gOiNg tO tOilEt fOr aT leAst 3O tImeS lOr....
buT toSDay goT lOts oF frEe pErIod sIaa ......oNli mATh lor..... tEAchEr sIAo dE lOr... waN mE tO gEt disTintIon fOr mAth......eVen 8O osO cNt......
sICk lIke hElL....gEt sO maNy moSqUitO bItEs....aFTer tHe cAmp....yEsterDay tIll tOdaY mOrnINg i hAd beEn gOiNg tO tOilEt fOr aT leAst 3O tImeS lOr....
buT toSDay goT lOts oF frEe pErIod sIaa ......oNli mATh lor..... tEAchEr sIAo dE lOr... waN mE tO gEt disTintIon fOr mAth......eVen 8O osO cNt......
Monday, April 12, 2010
fKInG hElL wIatIng frOM 9.45 tO 11.30.......hAtE mOunTaIn bIkE fOreVeR..
cYcLIng fOr 2O kM ..... so tiRed....bUt StiLl nId t rUn fOr 5Km....
pAnlIanG n jOaSh uSinG rAce biKe rIdE tIll sO faSt... cNt cAtcH... bUt cOmeS tO rUnnIng ..
\i m A proFessIonal....haAH bUt oVeR uSe thE sTrenGth...to ovEr taKe thEm.....SOSOSOosososososoSOSosOsoSooosSOo tiReD thT Day.....bUt aT lEast i PrOvE thT evEn mOuntAIn biKe fasT bUt a gOOD rUnneR iS oSo iMpoRtaNt
cYcLIng fOr 2O kM ..... so tiRed....bUt StiLl nId t rUn fOr 5Km....
pAnlIanG n jOaSh uSinG rAce biKe rIdE tIll sO faSt... cNt cAtcH... bUt cOmeS tO rUnnIng ..
\i m A proFessIonal....haAH bUt oVeR uSe thE sTrenGth...to ovEr taKe thEm.....SOSOSOosososososoSOSosOsoSooosSOo tiReD thT Day.....bUt aT lEast i PrOvE thT evEn mOuntAIn biKe fasT bUt a gOOD rUnneR iS oSo iMpoRtaNt
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A HaPpY DaY....
haHa...nOw i M mOrE n MorE bEcOme liKe a GuaI gIa lE.....aLtHoUgH i M stIlL iN a GAnG loR.....12Pm leAve sCh n gO to cck sTaDiuM....stArtIng sOmE oF uS hAvE a JoG iN tHe StaDiuM.... ThEgRouNd Is DaMn hOt sIa ...sOMemOre i M wEariNg scH shOeS.... sO thT'S tHe reAsOn i cAn'T rUn aNy MorE...tHn wE wAtch thE raCe loR.....thN stH haPPeN tO trAck...Ashraf gIve Up hIs PlaCe....duN wAnt to meNtioN it Le..sO sAd tHat oUr tRacK tEam cNt geT tOp 3 buT aT leaSt tHy tRY thEiR bEst....haHA... haPpy tIme.... i FoLLoW zI NIng N heR frEn gO swImmIng.... sO exCitIng .... wE taLk a Lot oSo....sTaRtiNg tHe tiMe iS quiTe rUSh cos We oNlI hAvE 45 mIN to swIm n wE musT gaTheR n diSmiSs....buT thN rEalise tHt tHe debrIeF onLi takES 5 min.....hAhA:P thN wE gO foR secOnd rOunD.....aFteR thT wE taKe bUs tO ccK basamalan.....i tRy tO taHaN nOt tO eaT... cOs ltR eAt noN-stOPthN hEr frEn go hM firSt ....zI nInG gO buY a PoPcOrN...tHn wE sePerAte aT thR......A haPpY dAy...n A gOOd EnDing......:D
Thursday, April 1, 2010
haha....aPriL fOoL:P
jAveLiN cOmpEtItioN..... suCkS..
bUt i ReaLlY eNjOy mY apRil FooL dAy wIth mY tRaCk n fIelD...
wiTh Rina, dArius, aik Siang(my so call brother),zi ling....
aFteR cOmPetIoN.. gO loToNe bUy eaRsTiCk....
cOs eVerYtiMe kAnA caUgHt bY teaChers cOs iT is bLAcK....
bUt i ReaLlY eNjOy mY apRil FooL dAy wIth mY tRaCk n fIelD...
wiTh Rina, dArius, aik Siang(my so call brother),zi ling....
aFteR cOmPetIoN.. gO loToNe bUy eaRsTiCk....
cOs eVerYtiMe kAnA caUgHt bY teaChers cOs iT is bLAcK....
Thursday, March 25, 2010
6 mOrE daAys
fKinG hElL... 6 mOre DAys mY inTeRnAtIona jAvEliN iS coMIng...
sO eXciTed bUt sO scarE osO...hAha...rElaTioNsHip bEtwEEn thE tEaChERs n Me aRe gEtTinG betTer....
bUt mY liFe sTiLL sO bOriNg.....hAha....tHiS wEeK gO seNtOsa fOr oSiM tRiThalOn...
wIsH gEt drOwn n dIe....
coS lifE fKinG sUcKs......
rEalLy sUckS lOr....
sO eXciTed bUt sO scarE osO...hAha...rElaTioNsHip bEtwEEn thE tEaChERs n Me aRe gEtTinG betTer....
bUt mY liFe sTiLL sO bOriNg.....hAha....tHiS wEeK gO seNtOsa fOr oSiM tRiThalOn...
wIsH gEt drOwn n dIe....
coS lifE fKinG sUcKs......
rEalLy sUckS lOr....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
8 mArCh 2O1o
I dK wAd i m dOIng noW.... sO CoNFuse... gf dw me...evEryBodY keEp sAbO me ......hais..lIFE sucks
MAybe i dUn unDerStaND wad sHe waNTs n wAd SHe neEDs... cAn saY i m fKIng seLFiSh.
I jUsT geT mY pHOne cONfisCated by sUpeRVisOr......cOS sOMeoNe baOdO mE...
I THink gOD brINg mE tO tHIs woRld tO be lONelY... foRever aLonE....
oNe mOre moNth i hAvE mY jAVElin iNtEr-ScH comPetiTion le...
I reALly haVE nO prrrrepARE fOR thIS......
MAybe i dUn unDerStaND wad sHe waNTs n wAd SHe neEDs... cAn saY i m fKIng seLFiSh.
I jUsT geT mY pHOne cONfisCated by sUpeRVisOr......cOS sOMeoNe baOdO mE...
I THink gOD brINg mE tO tHIs woRld tO be lONelY... foRever aLonE....
oNe mOre moNth i hAvE mY jAVElin iNtEr-ScH comPetiTion le...
I reALly haVE nO prrrrepARE fOR thIS......
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